[Distutils] How to make easy_install handle platlibs?

P.J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Sun Apr 12 21:46:35 CEST 2009

At 10:43 AM 4/12/2009 -0700, Buck Golemon wrote:

>On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 8:54 AM, Andrew Straw 
><<mailto:strawman at astraw.com>strawman at astraw.com> wrote:
>zooko wrote:
> > However, it currently doesn't.  Eggs built on Linux are named something
> > like py2.5-Linux-x86_64.  To know whether such an egg would actually
> > work on your Linux system, you would also need to know whether the
> > Python was compiled with UCS-2 or UCS-4 internal unicode representation,
> > as well as what version of glibc you have.  Is there anything else that
> > would need to be added into the egg name?
>Yes, if you used symbols from any shared library in an extension module,
>you'd need to know the version of that shared library. So it's not just
>libc. This is the same on any OS, not just linux.
>Exactly. The platform name/version ( RedHat 3 / Ubuntu 7.07 / Gentoo 
>X.X ) can serve as a much better proxy for the "version of all 
>shared libraries" than just the kernel version alone (2.4 / 2.6).
>To add to Andrew's example, python-ldap created for Redhat 4 depends 
>on ldap_r.so.1.0.4 but for RedHat 5 depends on ldap_r.so.1.0.6. Both 
>have kernel 2.6, so are indistinguishable under current naming scheme.
>I notice that for Debian/Ubuntu the lsb_release command is 
>implemented in Python, although it's mostly just reading out 
>/etc/debian_version. RedHat's lsb_release uses bash, but similarly 
>just reads in a file. Gentoo also has a lsb_release.

On OS X, there's a similar thing done to get the platform 
name/version, and there's special version comparison code to 
determine compatibility; if this could be implemented for other 
platforms, that would be great.

>The "completely correct" way to do this would be to run ldd on all 
>binaries, stick the result in a metadata file somewhere, then load 
>the version of the egg where the most (hopefully all) libraries exist.
>On the other hand, sticking the egg into the place that distutils 
>uses when not under easy_install would fix this much more simply, 
>although from what I hear this would be a big change.

For easy_install, yes.  For pip, probably not so much.  In fact, my 
guess would be that pip already supports this, as long as you can 
install from source, rather than from eggs.

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