[Distutils] Distutils and easy_install...

Douglas Mayle douglas at mayle.org
Thu Apr 16 19:03:28 CEST 2009

Hey everyone,
	I'm having an annoying problem and I was directed here to see if you  
knew what could be done.

	I'm using distutils for my package instead of setuptools because it's  
a command line app, and the half second that setup tools adds to each  
launch for pkg_resource scanning is unacceptable.  I use the scripts  
parameter, and it happily installs the script I expect and things are  
running along.  If I try to use easy_install to install the package,  
however, (and more importantly, if a user of mine does) it seems that  
setuptools is monkeypatching the distutils module and replacing  
setup.  This means that instead of just copying my script to bin,  
setuptools is creating it's own script that does a pkg_resource scan  
and then loads my script from the original location.  Is there any way  
to ensure that I'm using the distutils.core.setup that I expect, and  
not the one that setuptools monkeypatches into place?

Douglas Mayle

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