[Distutils] The problem with Setuptools on Python 3.
P.J. Eby
pje at telecommunity.com
Mon Apr 20 21:52:18 CEST 2009
At 09:11 PM 4/20/2009 +0200, Lennart Regebro wrote:
>"Isolated"? What do you mean?
Making a separate setup script for Python 3, at least for setuptools
itself, if not having a general convention for that, since other
packages may want to ship 2+3 stuff in the same package.
Or, in the alternative, using version testing in setup.py to run an
alternate script for Python 3.
>If you have suggestions on how to solve
>the problems I'm describing, can you please come forward with them,
>I've asked several times already. All you do is say "no, no, no, no,
>no", and "becasue". It isn't helpful.
I'm sorry you feel that way, as I've been *trying* to help. I just
still don't get what the problem is. If I were porting setuptools to
Python 3, I would *want* it to be circular, even if I had to hack on
it a little at first. So I have a hard time understanding why you don't.
But I'm not you -- I understand the code base and I'm not trying to
port it. Maybe if I were trying to port it, I would get what problem
you're having, or maybe I would just keep right on going and not
notice. I don't know. I've been trying to find out what exactly is
stopping you and just can't seem to wrap my brain around it, any more
than you've been able to about the reverse.
> > For end-user convenience. A large number of people installing setuptools
> > are not installing it because they are personally interested in it, but
> > because something else they want uses it.
>Yes? And again you don't explain how this leads to you conclusion.
Mostly because your questions aren't pinpointing what you want to
know. You ask general questions, so I give general answers. We seem
to both be suffering from a surplus of assumptions of what should be
"obvious" to the other person. For example, this:
>Eggs are not easier to install, on the contrary, I have tried and
>failed a couple of times, and ended up using the source install
...seems to indicate that your question was actually about eggs, not
other-than-source distributions in general. I was mostly talking
about the wininst installers and source RPM. The eggs are there, on
the other hand, for ez_setup.py to download. (Not to mention
buildout's bootstrap script, and other tools that depend on
setuptools and want to have an automated overall install process.)
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