[Distutils] Help making setuptools install more like plain distutils one

Christian Hudon chrish at apstat.com
Mon Apr 20 23:52:56 CEST 2009

Robert Kern wrote:
> On 2009-04-20 15:49, Christian Hudon wrote:
>> The only thing I'd need would be way to reliably determine if I'm
>> dealing with setuptools-based setup.py or not. I can always call "python
>> setup.py installl --help" and look if
>> --single-version-externally-managed is present in the output. Is there a
>> cleaner version of doing this?
> You could ensure that you always have a setuptools-based setup.py:
> python -c "import setuptools; execfile('setup.py')" install 
> --single-version-.....
Tried it. It works great! Wouldn't have thought of that... Thanks!


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