[Distutils] Distutils work, roadmap

David Lyon david.lyon at preisshare.net
Tue Apr 21 11:11:09 CEST 2009


I wouldn't take "feedback" as all bad....

Indirectly, it seems like you are telling people not to report their
experience. Indirectly, it seems like you are discouraging thinking
about what could be done to improve things.

Here, we have a popular saying "Nothing ever gets fixed if people
don't complain."

A roadmap is a good idea...

I think distutils needs one...


On Tue, 21 Apr 2009 09:34:06 +0200, Tarek Ziadé <ziade.tarek at gmail.com>
> Remainder about Distutils:
> - we did a summit at Pycon about distutils
> - some people started to work on various tasks (PEPs, etc)
> Can everyone here who says "distutils sucks" "setuptools sucks",
> "let's rewrite them from scratch" hear that:
> Just join the work in progress, help on the PEP, uses cases, and stop
> whining about the situation !!!!
> Thank you

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