[Distutils] buildout and distribution packaging

Mihamina Rakotomandimby (R12y) mihamina at lab.vectoris.fr
Thu Apr 30 08:18:36 CEST 2009

Hi all
More and more python projects are "switching" to buildout.
The one I face directly is Plone.

I also administer servers and really love using their package management 
tools: If I use a Fedora (resp. Debian, Gentoo,...), I insist using yum/rpm 
(resp. apt/dpkgn, emerge,...) to install a software, and if the software 
needs some tunning, I act on the source package, then compile+install my 
tuned package.

The question is to know wether the current "fashion" to switch to buildout 
will make the distribution packager work easier or harder.

Taking the example of Perl and CPAN, it seems there is no nig problem, as 
well as there seems to be (in Debian at least) a specific tool to package 
Perl modules. Do you thing it will evolve that way for Python "buildouted" 

Thank you.

                              Chef de projet chez Vectoris
                                  Phone: +261 33 11 207 36
System: xUbuntu 8.10 with almost all from package install

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