[Distutils] 70 packages in total use setuptools' "extras" feature

Ian Bicking ianb at colorstudy.com
Thu Dec 3 22:37:04 CET 2009

On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 3:21 PM, P.J. Eby <pje at telecommunity.com> wrote:
> At 09:53 PM 12/3/2009 +0100, Attila Oláh wrote:
>> Wouldn't it require zope.component to be a namespace package? Extras
>> allw you to add extra files (subpackages) withot making the container
>> package a namespace-package, it seems to me.
> No, they don't.  Extras just cause a project to pull in additional
> dependencies, not additional *files*.

The basic advantage, I guess, is the indirection; you can require
zope.component[zcml], and the maintainers of zope.component determine
what is necessary to provide that functionality.  And from the
changelog it seems they have updated that to depend on different
things over time.  Though I suspect that was actually a kind of
misfeature of extras... some library X requires zope.component[zcml],
but in fact only requires a subset of that functionality, and some
framework F requires library X, which draws in zope.component[zcml],
which in turn requires oodles of other things, and there is pushback
from F to zope.component (maybe involving library X maintainers, or
not) to reduce the dependencies to what is more strictly required.

All of which requires lots of tedious communication and negotiation,
which I don't think is really that helpful for anyone, and is why I
prefer a more manual assembling of sets of libraries, and am not a fan
of Setuptools runtime checking.  My general feeling is that these
dependencies should only be loosely trusted; only actual testing can
confirm that an update is correct for a developer's use case.

Ian Bicking  |  http://blog.ianbicking.org  |  http://topplabs.org/civichacker

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