[Distutils] [Python Language Summit] Distutils / Packaging survey

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Thu Jan 29 22:51:41 CET 2009

Josselin Mouette <joss at debian.org> writes:

> Le mercredi 28 janvier 2009 à 13:16 -0600, Ian Bicking a écrit :
> > As you mention, there would have to be some extension to
> > pkg_resources (or an equivalent library) to handle finding these
> > files at runtime. Getting a runtime in place is probably the
> > harder thing, as it is more intrusive for the upstream developers.
> As I have already explained in the previous discussion, this could
> easily be solved just like autoconf does, with an automatically
> generated config.py file that would hold all variables set at build
> time.

I would recommend choosing (earlier rather than later) a different
name for that file. ‘config.py’ suggests rather the run-time
configuration for the program.

Perhaps ‘setup_config.py’? Something that makes it clear that the
configuration is intended for the setup and installation, *not* the
running Python package.

 \       “My classmates would copulate with anything that moved, but I |
  `\               never saw any reason to limit myself.” —Emo Philips |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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