[Distutils] Where is the setuptools source repository?

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Thu Jul 2 14:57:57 CEST 2009

On Jul 2, 2009, at 6:15 AM, Chris Withers wrote:

> Jim Fulton wrote:
>> Interesting.  I didn't realize that this changed.  This works at  
>> least as far back as Python 2.4, so if it changed,
> Chatting with Christian Theune, I believe this is because you put  
> all your packages in 'src' directory. I don't like to lay my code  
> out like that, and it should work with just your python packages in  
> the root of the distribution.

FWIW, I've found that buildout /only/ seems to work with your code in  
src (or some subdirectory of your main directory).  I can't remember  
the details but I think I've posted about that issue before.


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