[Distutils] Single version number

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Fri Jul 10 16:31:25 CEST 2009

Marius Gedminas <marius at pov.lt> writes:

> What do people use to avoid repeating the version number both in the
> setup.py as well as in application/library code, when the
> application/library wants to know its own version number?
> I've seen several options:
>   1) put __version__ = '4.2' in yourpackage/__init__.py, have setup.py
>      do from yourpackage import __version__ and pass that to setup()

I do a variant on this: ‘mainpackage/version.py’ contains attributes for
version string, author details, copyright license, and so on. The
‘mainpackage/__init__.py’ docstring is parsed for the short and long
description; it often has the project URL too.

Using Bazaar, I can also (with ‘bzr version-info --format=python’)
automatically generate an importable module with information about the
current VCS head revision; sometimes I use that to put the revision
number in the version string, or to get the end-year of a copyright year
range, etc.

 \          “Judge: A law student who marks his own papers.” —Henry L. |
  `\                                                           Mencken |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney
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