[Distutils] mr.developer: share checkouts between buildouts

Chris Withers chris at simplistix.co.uk
Wed Jul 15 09:15:02 CEST 2009

Ross Patterson wrote:
> I often end up doing development on the same distribution for multiple
> projects and have long wished for a simple way to share the same
> clone/checkout between these multiple buildouts.

What's stopping you from just putting the same checkout path in the 
develop line of your buildout.cfg? Works for me...

> Thoughts?

I wouldn't use this myself, while my different projects use the same 
packages, and it's handy be able to run from an svn checkout during 
development using the method I describe above, I never want to run code 
that's gone live that depends on an svn checkout of another package.
If there really isn't a suitable release, I cut a dev egg myself.



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