[Distutils] [Distribute] What versions should we support?

Encolpe Degoute encolpe.degoute at free.fr
Thu Jul 16 23:31:00 CEST 2009

Lennart Regebro a écrit :
> 2009/7/16 Encolpe Degoute <encolpe.degoute at free.fr>:
>> Lennart Regebro a écrit :
>>> More specifically, Python 2.3 and/or 2.4?
>>> The current trunk (or whatever mercurial calls it) doesn't work with
>>> 2.4, because of a try/except/finally clause. That's fixable, but I
>>> ain't gonna fix it if we don't want to support 2.4 any more. I would
>>> claim that we should support 2.4.
>> -1
>> Even debian maintainers don't want to support python 2.4 anymore.
> Well, don't want to is not really a question here, Python 2.4 is still
> used a lot. If we don't support it, anybody who needs to support 2.4
> (which means all of the Plone world, for a year or two more) can't use
> Distribute. And I don't think supporting 2.4 will be difficult.

The Zope 2/Plone world will evolve to Zope 2.12 that run on python 2.5
and python 2.6.
Plone 4 target this Zope version.

Older projects will fix setuptools version < 2.

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