[Distutils] Progress on the first distribute release

Hanno Schlichting hanno at hannosch.eu
Fri Jul 17 11:50:31 CEST 2009


On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 2:07 AM, David Lyon<david.lyon at preisshare.net> wrote:
> If I find anymore issues I can post them to there instead of the
> mailing list.

Our bug tracker is open for submission by anyone. It's not a magical
thing though. So the same rules about good bug reports, repeatable
steps, preferably patches with tests and so on apply. Meta questions
and general observations about controversial issues are as likely to
get a non-optimal treatment as everywhere else ;)

> Somebody should update the easy_install web site to direct users
> to post to the tracker and not to the mailing list.

We'll update the documentation soon. We will need to find a new place
to put the documentation for this fork, though.

> People are happy using Trackers and I'm starting to notice that
> bug reports posted to the distutils mailing list are probably
> being ignored at best.
> Being ignored in a tracker is an entirely different thing - haha

Bug reports are ignored or never followed up upon on every mailing
list I've seen. There's a reason why bug trackers exist ;)


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