[Distutils] Announcing the 'Distribute' project

P.J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Fri Jul 17 13:31:18 CEST 2009

At 07:44 PM 7/16/2009 -0700, Sridhar Ratnakumar wrote:
>Sorry if I lack the information related to why there is now a fork. But
>does this mean that setuptools is becoming a dead project - as in no more
>fixes/commits? Or, is there going to be two separate tools - setuptools
>and distribute/setuptools2 - that will have ongoing releases?

That other people are doing something based on the code does not in 
any way change my plans...  except that if the fork turns out to 
actually be useful, then I might stop even thinking about backward 
compatibility issues and write Something Completely Different instead.

For now, however, my plans for setuptools remain largely 
unchanged.  They await only time and/or funding, as has been the case 
for some considerable time now.

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