[Distutils] Announcing the 'Distribute' project

Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn zooko at zooko.com
Fri Jul 17 13:55:03 CEST 2009

Please consider this patch:

http://bugs.python.org/setuptools/issue53 # respect the PYTHONPATH

It is the biggest issue for many people.  In the ticket PJE describes  
several caveats about how that patch could interfere with other use  
cases.  I find it hard to keep track of the way different changes  
would impact competing use cases.  I love the Twisted development  
process in which such requirements get codified into unit tests which  
get run automatically by a buildbot.  Then I can look at the buildbot  
and if it is green I know that none of the supported use cases have  
regressed.  I've been doing something similar for the building/ 
packaging/installing use cases of the TahoeLAFS project (which is  
based on setuptools, or more precisely a tiny fork of setuptools  
maintained by myself).  See http://allmydata.org/buildbot .

Think we could cook up something like that for the setuptools2 (nee  
"Distribute") project?



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