[Distutils] Colour this bikeshed: Name for setuptools fork

Ronald Oussoren ronaldoussoren at mac.com
Fri Jul 17 16:09:38 CEST 2009

On Friday, 17 July, 2009, at 03:37PM, "Tarek Ziadé" <ziade.tarek at gmail.com> wrote:
>On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 3:26 PM, Rakotomandimby
>Mihamina<mihamina at gulfsat.mg> wrote:
>> 07/17/2009 04:07 PM, Benji York:
>>>> Ok then let's call it "Red Barrel" then
>>> Short, memorable, and (Monty) Pythonic.
>>> +1
>> +1
>Ok I'll act a bit like a dictactor for this ;)
>here's a Poll with the two finalists
>Pick the one you like, and we'll use the winner Monday for the release

I don't have an account at doodle and won't create one.

My vote: Distribute.  


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