[Distutils] Colour this bikeshed: Name for setuptools fork

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Sat Jul 18 07:19:01 CEST 2009

Chris McDonough <chrism at plope.com> writes:

> In any case, changing the distribution name ("distribute" currently)
> is pretty trivial in comparison to changing a package name because
> imports don't need to change.

Quite the opposite is true in my experience. Computers are our willing
slaves; if we tell them sternly that an object is henceforth to be known
by a different name, they will use that name unquestioningly, and won't
get the two names confused.

People's usage of names, though, is far less easy to change. Once the
project is discussed consistently by a particular name, that name will
stick around for better or worse for a *very* long time. To deny this
reality and hastily choose a bad name is a foolish move, precisely
because it is so predictable for the name to stick indelibly once

 \          “All good things are cheap; all bad are very dear.” —Henry |
  `\                                                     David Thoreau |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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