[Distutils] Colour this bikeshed: Name for setuptools fork

Jannis Leidel jannis at leidel.info
Sun Jul 19 18:46:53 CEST 2009

>> Note that the primary package name that the "distribute"  
>> distribution embeds is still named "setuptools" at this point, for  
>> better or worse.  I don't know how long this will be true, but it's  
>> still true right now, and I suspect it won't change before the  
>> first release.  That may be another can of worms, but at this point  
>> it's probably not worth losing any sleep over.
>> In any case, changing the distribution name ("distribute"  
>> currently) is pretty trivial in comparison to changing a package  
>> name because imports don't need to change.  I'd begin to get more  
>> nervous when the package names change. ;-)
> Also, this entire discussion may be moot if, as I'm currently  
> understanding it, this is simply a matter of other people doing  
> maintenance and bug fixes to the 0.6 branch...  in which case there  
> is a very strong possibility that I'll just bless various versions  
> of it as official 0.6 versions of setuptools.
> (One obstacle to this actually happening, though, is the part where  
> they're stripping out my release tools, like wikiup.cfg, version 
> +version.dat, etc., as I would need to add these back in order to  
> actually do a release.)

If you'd bless distribute as one of setuptools versions, wouldn't it  
be a perfect moment to move its documentation away from the (often  
slow) PEAK wiki, use a Sphinx build (as already worked out in the  
setuptools-0.6 branch) and publish it on http://packages.python.org/setuptools/? 
  There is even a useful setup.py command to help publishing it: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Sphinx-PyPI-upload/


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