[Distutils] recollections of Pycon distutils versioning discussion (part 2)
Jean-Paul Calderone
exarkun at divmod.com
Thu Jun 11 16:23:20 CEST 2009
On Thu, 11 Jun 2009 08:15:30 -0600, Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn <zooko at zooko.com> wrote:
>On Jun 11, 2009, at 2:37 AM, Paul Moore wrote:
>>1. From your description of events, and from discussion here, the "post"
>>tag is clearly the least thought through aspect of all this. So a
>>proponent of this should step up to justify why 1.0.5.post3 is required,
>>when is available already.
>My motivation is that the leading sequence of numbers is chosen by a human
>to communicate some information such as major rewrite (major), feature
>addition (minor), or bugfix (micro), while the numbers after the "-r" or
>the ".post" are chosen by the version control system to simply count
>patches or give a secure hash of the current tree state or whatever.
>Another bit of information that we thus encode into the version number is
>whether it is a stable release or a snapshot -- stable releases don't have
>a -r$COUNT in their version number.
>The current stable release of Tahoe is v1.4.1, as visible on PyPI:
>http://pypi.python.org/pypi/allmydata-tahoe . The current snapshot is
>v1.4.1-r3908, as visible on our web server: http://allmydata.org/
>source/tahoe/tarballs/?C=M;O=D .
>If the new "rational version number" definition excludes ".post", and if I
>choose to make Tahoe snapshot version numbers be rational version numbers,
>then I could make snapshots be named e.g. v1.4.1.3908. Then I would have
>v1.4.1.3909, etc. until one day I would have v1.4.1.3948 and then v1.5.0.
>The next snapshot would be numbered v1.5.0.3949. I would hope that people
>who are looking for stable releases don't find the v1.5.0.3949 tarball
>(since it isn't on PyPI), or if they do find it that they realize from the
>extra long version number that it is a snapshot instead of a stable
>I'm willing to change my build system to produce $MAJ.$MIN.$MIC.post $COUNT
>instead of $MAJ.$MIN.$MIC-r$COUNT, in order to achieve rationality (i.e.,
>in order to make my versions look more like other people's versions and in
>order to be compatible with some hypothetical far-future tool which is
>picky and refuses to use software with irrational version numbers). I'm
>not yet sure whether I'm willing to change it to $MAJ.$MIN.$MIC.$COUNT.
This is basically how I feel about Twisted (and Nevow, Axiom, Mantissa,
Epsilon, Sine, Quotient, etc) right noow.
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