[Distutils] easy_install moinmoin does not work, (very) old url

rupert.thurner rupert.thurner at gmail.com
Wed Jun 24 21:54:33 CEST 2009

many thanks for your reply. there is now an issue as well at the
moinmoin site basically saying "make me a contact to a pypi
maintainter and i'll fix this": http://moinmo.in/4ct10n/edit/MoinMoinBugs/FixPyPIName
so i was wondering if somebody  could help out here?

On 21 Jun., 05:11, "P.J. Eby" <p... at telecommunity.com> wrote:
> At 02:10 PM 6/20/2009 -0700, rupert.thurner wrote:
> >there ishttp://pypi.python.org/pypi/MoinMoin/1.8.4, and
> The distribution filename is 'moin-1.8.4', but the package name
> registered on Pypi is "MoinMoin".  This won't work.
> You may be successful by running:
> "easy_installhttp://static.moinmo.in/files/moin-1.8.4.tar.gz"
> The problem is that the package is mis-registered on PyPI; its
> setup.py declares its name "moin", so that is its distribution
> filename.  However, on PyPI it is indexed asMoinMoin.  You may wish
> to inform the maintainers of this, so they can update either the
> setup.py to useMoinMoinas the name, or change the Pypi registration
> to use "moin".  Either should work, assuming that the distribution is
> able to work with setuptools.  (You'll have to try it and see.)
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