[Distutils] Install time prefixes and data files

David Lyon david.lyon at preisshare.net
Fri Nov 13 23:39:32 CET 2009

On Fri, 13 Nov 2009 15:25:38 -0500, Tres Seaver <tseaver at palladion.com>
>>>> * configuration     etc
>>>> * shared data       usr/share/foo/
>>>> * readme            usr/share/foo/README        README, TODO, ...
>>>>                                                be automatically
>>>>                                                discovered
>>>> * examples          usr/share/foo/examples
>>>> * documentation     usr/share/foo/doc
>>>> * man files         usr/share/man
>>>> * variable          var/lib/foo
>>>> * ...
> Static metadata, anyone?

That's like trying to get a prius into a bikeshed and
work on it.

There simply doesn't seem to be the management mechanisms 
available to handle outside-the-square topics like that in 
distutils presently.

Let's just wait for the current work to be done with 
distutils and after that see what transpires.



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