[Distutils] Common version-comparison semantics for peace love and harmony

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Sat Nov 28 08:53:28 CET 2009

Eric Smith <eric at trueblade.com> writes:

> Ben Finney wrote:
> > Since the specification is about version *comparison* semantics, I'd
> > need to know example version strings that should compare “prior” and
> > “subsequent” for the version string I'm to propose. Can you give
> > examples?
> I want to install the latest version of Python. My choices are 3.3.1
> (the released version) and 3.3.1rc1.

And what version string should this compare prior to?

That is, you want me to propose an example version string X. I'm asking
for you to tell me corresponding examples of version strings W and Y

    W < X < Y

since the comparison semantics are what we're discussing here.

 \     “There will be a Moscow Exhibition of the Arts by 15,000 Soviet |
  `\     Republic painters and sculptors. These were executed over the |
_o__)               past two years.” —newspaper article, Soviet Weekly |
Ben Finney

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