[Distutils] the virtualenv-distribute mess

kiorky kiorky at cryptelium.net
Wed Oct 14 16:19:51 CEST 2009

kiorky a écrit :


> This may be quite current even if it's not a good habit to have circular
> dependencies between distributions.
> Imagine that.
> B(0.7) -> A(0.6).
> A(0.6) -> B(0.7).
> Can i have the same namespace "ns" shared between the twice distributions with
> both the setuptools namespaces implementation (A) and the pkg_util's one (B)?
> "Have" mean that i can import ns in both distributions.
> So, if:
> 	* I have old distributions with C code even not declaring they are relying on
> setuptools, installing with the 0.6 code automatically.
> 	* I have entry points and namespaces from 0.7 available to import in 0.6 and
> vice-versa.
> I will see no more objections.
> Another related thing, as i read the pep376 implementation, it may be good and
> easy to provide some wrappers to some setuptools very used objects like
> WorkingSet or Environment as similary code is already implemented to smoothly
> migrate existing code.

Must i interprete no response as a global No ?

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