[Distutils] zc.buildout and site-packages
Kevin Teague
kevin at bud.ca
Fri Oct 23 05:08:15 CEST 2009
On Oct 22, 2009, at 10:43 AM, Tres Seaver wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Martin Aspeli wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is there a way (apart from putting buildout in a virtualenv with --
>> no-site-
>> packages) to tell buildout *not* to put site-packages as the first
>> line in the
>> mangled sys.path when it generates scripts?
>> We have people doing horrid things to their global python, and we
>> need the
>> buildout to be safe and isolated in these environments.
> Using a --no-site-packages virtualenv to drive the buildout is a
> pretty
> lightweight solution, and easier than the old standby of compiling
> your
> own Python to get isolation from the global one, whichstill highly
> recommended: I build my own Python, and then use a separate
> virtualenv
> for each project.
The idea behind Gary's branch (http://svn.zope.org/zc.buildout/branches/gary-4-include-site-packages
) is that unlike the --no-site-packages option of virtualenv, which is
all-or-nothing proposition, you would be able to include site-package
locations in Buildout's script generation, but care would be taken
that if distributions are selected from a site-package location to
make sure that when site-package locations are included on sys.path,
those locations don't overshadow any other paths pointing explicitly
to already picked versions of distributions. e.g. If I was using
Apple's System Python on Leopard (10.5), then site-packages includes
zope.interface 3.3.0 and bdist_mpkg 0.4.3. If I wanted to pick
'zope.interface == 3.3.0' and 'bdist_mpkg == 0.4.4', then currently
Buildout could generate a path modification that looks like:
sys.path[0:0] = [
Where that System path contains bdist_mpkg 0.4.3. The ordering of
whether the site-package location is put before or after version-
specific paths is currently dependant upon the ordering in the
install_requires field (so you get the correct versions importable if
those distributions which are picked from site-packages are listed
after the non-site-package picked versions!) - obviously this is just
a side-effect of the current path manipulation implementation.
One would assume that making this change is fairly easy. Just do a
diff between normal sys.path and the site-package free sys.path when
Python is launched with the -S flag. Which Gary's code does, but the
script generation in Gary's branch right now also accounts for the
fact that *.pth files have been processed, and that you are allowed to
have import statements executed when *.pth files are processed, so he
is generating scripts which also clean sys.modules, and then re-add
site-packages locations with site.addsitedir(location) so that .pth
files are properly re-processed. Which is pretty fancy, and probably
"Does the Right Thing (TM)", but also greatly clutters up the
generated scripts.
I quite like having script generation generate scripts which are still
reasonably compact (I often open generated scripts to see what
Buildout is doing, or sometimes edit them to hand-pick a different egg
if I want to quickly try out a different working set) and I also
wonder how much overhead this additional processing adds (I guess this
depends upon how much you have in site-packages). So perhaps if there
was some option to still generate scripts using the existing style of
script generation - maybe a "i-keep-my-site-packages-clean=true"
option ... i dunno, perhaps the other way 'work-around-site-package-
madness-in-script-generation=true' ... or just merge Buildout and
VirtualEnv into one monolithic project so that you don't need to
install two tools just to be able to use Buildout with a dirty
Python! (rawr!)
Anyways, for those distributions which are tough to install, I think
some people will find this branch quite handy in that they can apt-get
the tough to install distributions, and then safely include those
distributions in working sets composed by Buildout.
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