[Distutils] First attempt: close but no data files!
P.J. Eby
pje at telecommunity.com
Fri Oct 23 17:16:07 CEST 2009
At 09:58 PM 10/22/2009 -0700, Kaelin Colclasure wrote:
>Restructuring as a package did indeed get things working as expected.
>It's somewhat unfortunate that this is a requirement, as it made for a
>lot of noise in my Mercurial repository and now most of my code is in
>a module with the unhelpful name __init__.py
Given how short your data file is, the fact that it's entirely text,
and the fact that your module script always needs it to be loaded, I
wonder why you don't just make it a string constant in the .py file
to start with, or better yet, simply directly create the data
structure it represents.
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