[Distutils] stdeb-0.3 error

Gerry Reno greno at verizon.net
Sun Sep 20 19:20:33 CEST 2009

Andrew Straw wrote:
> Gerry Reno wrote:
>> In my setup.py I have my own "install":
>> from distutils.command.install import install
>> ...
>> class myinstall(install):
>> ...
>> and when we call dpkg-buildpackage this local "install" seems to maybe
>> be causing the problem with the error: option
>> --single-version-externally-managed not recognized.
>> How can we make this option be recognized? Do we need to inherit
>> something from setuptools?
> I think there are 2 options:
> 1) upgrade to the nascent stdeb 0.4. It doesn't call setup.py with the
> --single-version-externally-managed argument.
I'm using Ubuntu 8.0.4 LTS Server and when I run apt-get it brings in 
stdeb 0.3.  I always use the distro packagers to install software so how 
can I use apt-get to install stdeb 0.4?

> 2) inherit from setuptools' install command.
I don't like that idea.  That may mean a lot of rework as it took a 
while to get our "install" all debugged and working.

> I would suggest option 1. If you need me to make a release, I'm happy to
> do so -- but maybe that will be better after it has bdist_deb? :)
My only concern now with stdeb adding the bdist_deb command is that it 
may not work like other 'bdist' commands.  And having 'bdist_deb' work 
similar to 'bdist_rpm' is important.  It would have to use setup.cfg for 
config and allow for pre/postinstall scripts to run.


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