[Distutils] something else to throw into the static metadata mix

kiorky kiorky at cryptelium.net
Wed Sep 30 18:23:41 CEST 2009

Chris Withers a écrit :
> kiorky wrote:
>>> Does setuptools/buildout/any other existing or proposed packaging
>>> solution cater for this kind of requirement?
>> You can with minitage [1].
> I'm afraid I'm more interested in what will be the "standard python way"
> of doing this.
> I might be wrong, but I get the impression Minitage tries to do too much
> to be interesting for me...
Minitage recipes which deal with eggs use setuptools/buildout under the hood,
The goal is not to reinvent the wheel but to isolate, integrate and automate.
I'm afraid it use the python way to do and nothing else.
Its actions are just integrations betweens all components to make a real project
deployment complete in a nice way.
This include for example:
	- setting an egg cache somewhere to share between projects.
	- having a well known layout to install stuff inside
	- compiling with -rpath for dynamic libraries
	- having hook architecture to make easy scripting around each installation step
	- having a good patching facility (on the fly egg patching for example)
> Chris

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