[Distutils] namespace packages (and PEP 382)
P.J. Eby
pje at telecommunity.com
Sun Apr 25 03:34:51 CEST 2010
At 02:45 PM 4/24/2010 +0900, David Cournapeau wrote:
>Is there a
>design document or something else decribing how the namespace
>mechanism works for setuptools ? I would like to support namespace
>package in my own packaging project, but it is not clear to me what
>needs to be done on my side of things.
Namespace packages in *Python* are the result of adding entries to a
package's '__path__' attribute. By default, the list only has one
entry - if you make it have one for each directory (or zipfile
subdirectory) that contains modules for that package, then presto,
you have a namespace package.
How you get those entries in __path__ is the only real difference
between pkgutil, pkg_resources, and the upcoming PEP 382. (Well,
there's also the nspkg.pth hack, which I'd just as soon do away with
I'm thinking that in 0.7 I may add a PEP 382 emulation module
(separate from pkg_resources) for older versions of Python, as it
would allow some odd bits to be dispensed with in pkg_resources.
For example, declare_namespace could simply add a '*' to the __path__
of the right package(s), and the nspkg.pth files could just make sure
the PEP 382 emulation was loaded, without needing to set up fake
package modules. Other pkg_resources APIs that rely on an internal
list of namespace packages could just look in sys.namespace_packages,
and so on.
One thing that's not entirely clear at the moment in PEP 382, though,
is that it doesn't really specify how the other sys.path entries are
found and mapped -- presumably it's something like
os.path.join(syspathentry, *pkgname.split('.')) -- but the handling
for such path entries isn't really described. In a Python version
where NullImporter exists (2.5+), though, the cost of extra
nonexistent __path__ entries is negligible, so I suppose filtering
the entries for directory existence and the presence of other .pth
files isn't necessary.
The PEP should probably be clearer on this point, though - i.e., both
on what exactly goes in __path__, as well as whether .pth files are
read in the other paths, and whether .pth files are needed on any
other paths. (I also wonder if other .pth contents besides '*'
really need to be supported anyway; I expect it would depend on
whether anybody is using the .pkg files allowed by extend_path()...)
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