[Distutils] how to make pip do install using a requirements-files in order?

Carl Meyer carl at oddbird.net
Fri Apr 30 14:22:17 CEST 2010


mouad ben wrote:
> I use pip with distribute and virtualenv to make an automatic install of
> a Django project .
> my problem is that i want to make the installation in the order that
> they came in the requirements-files that i specified.
> i use this command : pip install  -E gold/ -r gold/gold_package.txt 
> and the gold_package.txt   :
>  -e svn+https://test/third-party/djangologging#egg=djangologging
>  svn+https://test/spidertools/trunk#egg=spidertools
>  -e svn+https://test/spider/branches/package#egg=spider
>  -e svn+https://test/lib/trunk#egg=lib
> so it should install djangologging -> spidertools -> spider -> lib ,
> because i have some dependencies that i can't make in the setup.py right
> now .

There is no way to control the order packages in a requirements file are
installed. I'm not sure of the correct parsing of your final sentence,
but if you mean that some of these packages have dependencies listed in
setup.py that you don't want pip to try to fulfill automatically, I
recommend using the --no-deps option.


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