[Distutils] stdeb development?

Piotr Ozarowski ozarow at gmail.com
Thu Dec 16 11:49:16 CET 2010

[Sean Ochoa, 2010-12-15]
> Hello all.  I'm wondering if there is still any effort behind the stdeb
> package development.  I find it super handy for what I do at work, and I'm
> wondering if there's going to be canonical support and/or further package
> development done in this area.  - Sean

I made few changes¹ in python-stdeb Debian package (and I plan to add
more) - hopefully Andrew will merge them soon...

¹ http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/python-modules/packages/stdeb/trunk/debian/patches/
Piotr Ożarowski                         Debian GNU/Linux Developer
www.ozarowski.pl          www.griffith.cc           www.debian.org
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