[Distutils] distutils: upload fails if maintainer name is unicode

Tarek Ziadé ziade.tarek at gmail.com
Thu Mar 18 15:30:48 CET 2010

HI Sébastien,

2010/3/18 Sébastien Barthélemy <barthelemy at crans.org>:
> If I read well, it should be fixed in 2.6. Can you confirm this
> problem is (at least officially) fixed for python 2.6.4 ? Any idea or
> workaround ?

This bug was fixed for the register command some time ago, and I've
fixed the upload command recently (r77719), so you can expect 2.6.5 to
behave correctly for that matter.

(2.6.5 is coming out very soon)


Tarek Ziadé | http://ziade.org

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