[Distutils] [buildout] Impossible to install develop eggs
Saint Germain
saintger at gmail.com
Thu Mar 18 23:38:25 CET 2010
On Thu, 18 Mar 2010 15:23:10 -0400, Jim Fulton <jim at zope.com> wrote :
> > I'm trying to use buildout with develop eggs, but it seems that
> > they cannot be installed.
> >
> > I end up with the following content:
> > bin
> > bootstrap.py
> > buildout.cfg
> > develop-eggs
> > eggs
> > parts
> >
> > No lib/python/site-packages are created !
> Nor should they. When you use develop eggs, they are added to the
> develop-eggs directory.
Yes I understand that, but I wanted to install those eggs to a regular
directory after.
> > But there is a file mymodule.egg-link in develop-eggs with the
> > following content:
> > /home/users/project
> Yup, that's what you should get.
> > .
> > What am I doing wrong ?
> I don't know, what are you trying to do?
The idea is to have a link between
and /home/user/project/mymodule. That way I can't both have a
representative installed environment (using "import mymodule" works in
this environment) and the ability to continue developing on my regular
personal directory.
What is the point to have the develop eggs in the develop-eggs if I'm
not able to use them ?
I was under the impression that I needed to install those eggs:
Using pip, if I install a development environment, I end up exactly
with that file (content is the same):
I hope that I was clear on my intent.
Don't hesitate if it's not the case !
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