[Distutils] [buildout] selectively excluding site-packages
John Griessen
john at industromatic.com
Fri Mar 19 18:59:01 CET 2010
Gary Poster wrote:
>> Are these any docs on the new features on that branch? If so, where should I look?
> The user-visible part of the changes is in the z3c.recipe.scripts recipe contained within the zc.buildout checkout, like
> zc.recipe.egg. zc.recipe.egg has no user-visible changes and works mostly as before, providing hopefully full backwards
> compatibility. z3c.recipe.scripts has the logic to work with a Python that might have some site-packages hanging around.
> http://svn.zope.org/zc.buildout/branches/gary-8/z3c.recipe.scripts_/src/z3c/recipe/scripts/README.txt?view=auto
> Note that mixing a system python's site-packages and buildout eggs will, in my guess, always be less stable than trying to
> simply use a system Python without site-packages at all (the default behavior of the new recipe). See the discussion in the
> README file, which touches on the concerns but probably does not go far enough. That said, for "hysterical" reasons, I'm using
> the mixing approach right now myself.
Suppose I'm starting fresh, (newbie at this, but wanting stability and new features).
How do you best use buildout to
"simply use a system Python without site-packages at all"? I'm OK with reading the code for comments.
What to checkout? http://svn.zope.org/zc.buildout/branches/gary-8/z3c.recipe.scripts_
http://svn.zope.org/zc.buildout/branches/gary-8 what rev?
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