[Distutils] pypi.python.org as single point of failure
Tom Gross
itconsense at gmail.com
Tue May 18 10:59:42 CEST 2010
Hello together,
because of the breakdown of pypi.python.org I found that this Python
index is hardcoded in the distribute_setup.py-script.
I tried to workaround the breakage of the index-server by changing my
hosts-file pointing to a pypi-mirror found on
http://www.coactivate.org/projects/pypi-mirroring/project-home, but the
directory structure is different there, so it didn't work.
I ran into this problem first by using the bootstrap-command of
zc.buildout. this is probably the wrong list to discuss this, but I
think it should be possible to *fully* replace pypi by a mirror for all
setuptools, distribute, zc.buildout-variants by configuration.
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