[Distutils] dependencies, pip and non-PyPI-hosted packages

Carl Meyer carl at oddbird.net
Fri Apr 22 23:54:08 CEST 2011

Hi Ernesto,

On 04/22/2011 11:34 AM, Ernesto Posse wrote:
> Thanks. I have another question. Now that I'm using distribute, pip
> handles the requirements correctly, but if I install with:
> python setup.py install
> the dependencies are not installed. This is a bit perplexing.

This is just how it is. "python setup.py install" installs the package
in question. Installer tools like pip or easy_install handle
dependencies. If you want dependencies handled automatically, your users
will need to use pip or easy_install.

> I don't understand: I explicitly called use_setuptools in my setup,
> and as can be seen, distribute is automatically downloaded (albeit
> installed in a temporary directory), and imported setup from
> setuptools, but it looks like it is calling the plain distutils setup
> !?
> Why is it not calling the distribute/setuptools setup?

No, it is calling the distribute setup. If you look at how your package
is installed, you'll find it in an egg - that's a sure sign of
setuptools/distribute. It's just that "python setup.py install" does not
handle dependencies, even with setuptools/distribute.

> Is there any way around this?

Not that I know of.


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