[Distutils] Python 3.3 / packaging - how to make installation conditional on platform?

Éric Araujo merwok at netwok.org
Sat Jun 18 22:38:29 CEST 2011


> It doesn't seem possible to use project-specific Python files to do this (via
> setup_hooks, for example), as when pysetup3 runs, the project directory is not
> in sys.path, so you can't import anything from e.g. files adjacent to setup.cfg.

This is not a design choice but a bug: http://bugs.python.org/issue11637
We definitely want to support project-local hooks module, as they will
certainly be used a lot during the transition years.

> Ignore my previous post- I believe environment markers are what I was looking
> for. Don't know how I missed that :-)

I’m not sure data files support environment markers.  Anyway, please
report any info missing from the docs, they’re far from complete.

Thanks for trying out packaging!


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