[Distutils] Compatibility of bdist_rpm with Fedora packaging instructions

Stanley A. Klein sklein at cpcug.org
Thu Nov 10 18:11:51 CET 2011

Tarek -

I downloaded pypi2rpm and built it using bdist_rpm.  The instructions on
how to use it are rather thin.  My best guess is to run it in spec-only
mode, modify the spec, and then run it with the modified spec specified. 
I tried to get a help listing but that was also think and I couldn't quite
figure out how to run it.

Could you provide further information on how to use it.


Stan Klein

On Thu, November 10, 2011 5:06 am, Tarek Ziadé wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 10:04 AM, Paul Nasrat <pnasrat at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I don't think bdist_rpm should track vendor packaging requirements,
>> purely as those recommendations may change faster than the release
>> process of distutils. I also believe bdist_rpm may be going away in
>> the future:
> Yes I confirm this. We removed it in packaging because we believe it
> should be maintained by the RPM communities -- with their own release
> cycles etc.
> FWIW I have a custom version in the pypi2rpm project where I just feed
> a .spec file to the bdist_rpm command, so I can do proper RHEL or
> Fedora packaging.
>> For Fedora have you considered rpmdev-newspec which can creates a
>> templated python spec file for your packages.
>> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_create_an_RPM_package
>> Paul
>> On 8 November 2011 21:40, Stanley A. Klein <sklein at cpcug.org> wrote:
>>> I will need to build some Python packages for Fedora and Centos.  The
>>> spec
>>> file produced by bdist_rpm automatically includes the statement
>>> %files -f INSTALLED_FILES
>>> The Fedora Python packaging instruction includes a recommendation to
>>> avoid
>>> use of INSTALLED_FILES and provides some alternatives.  That is the
>>> first
>>> incompatibility I've encountered, but there may be more.
>>> The bdist_rpm code probably should be changed to enable compatibility.
>>> Meanwhile, is there a workaround?
>>> Stan Klein
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> --
> Tarek Ziadé | http://ziade.org


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