[Distutils] virtualenv & pypi-server

Andrea Crotti andrea.crotti.0 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 27 17:30:01 CEST 2011

On 10/27/2011 04:16 PM, Andrea Crotti wrote:
> Answering to myself, I was using the wrong functions for 
> pkg_resources, and
> in theory I should use find_distributions.
> So I tried the following
> - construct a very minimal egg with a foolproof module
> - find and add to the working_set all the distributions found
> for d in find_distributions('egg_directory'):
>     working_set.add(d)
> from foolproof import fool

Again answering to myself with this it appears to work,
but on the pkg_resources doc
for d in find_distributions('egg_directory'):

or an alternative is to require specifically what I want.
Now I need to try from another egg using this egg and see how setup.py
tricks work in this sense.

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