[Distutils] Correct way to include (debian) program icons.

Mac Ryan quasipedia at gmail.com
Mon Sep 12 16:55:00 CEST 2011


	I was wondering if there is a way in distutils to
include/indicate a program icon that will be used in the program
menus / desktop shortcuts.

	I'm actualy packaging for debian with `stdeb` and I was
expecting some stdeb-specific way to include the icon in the pacakge
but to the best of my knowledge there isn't.

	I'm presently including in my setup.py file:

data_files=[('/usr/share/pixmaps/', ['my-package-name.xpm'])],

	but this - while working - seems the wrong thing to do, as it
insert in the general python package something that is

	Any ideas or primers on the subject?
	Thanks in advance,


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