[Distutils] command hooks...

Chris McDonough chrism at plope.com
Tue May 1 18:40:23 CEST 2012

On 04/21/2012 01:51 AM, Éric Araujo wrote:
> Hi again,
>> Is Distutils2 kind of your baby?  Simply, you are the only one working
>> on it!
> It’s more like my foster kid.  At first there was distutils, in the
> standard library since 1999.  After a few years it stopped being
> actively developed, and people started to rely on undocumented behavior
> and internal things.  Four years ago Tarek Ziadé became the new
> maintainer for distutils and attacked the big pile of bugs and feature
> requests.  He hit a barrier when his changes broke other people’s code,
> so it was decided two years ago to stop adding new features or clean up
> code in distutils and instead start anew in a project named distutils2,
> where backward compatibility would not stall all improvement efforts.
> That’s when I started contributing, as a Google Summer of Code student
> and then a volunteer.  Tarek focused on distutils2 and passed on the
> maintenance of distutils to me, and later I also became the maintainer
> of distutils2, i.e. I reply to most bugs and make the releases.  Tarek
> is still the lead of the project and weighs in for important changes.

Georg Brandl was trying to herd cats on outstanding PEPs today:


Is there a PEP for the "packaging" package?  Is there any sort of 
unfinished business I can help with?

- C

>> I am curious as to what you mean by this statement, when I get
>> some spare round tuits?
> That’s a wordplay from the expression “I’ll get around to it” → “I’ll
> get a round tuit”.
>>  From the bug tracker page, this has been around for over a year!
> Bugs live from a few minutes to a few years; with more than 300 bugs on
> my list, I can’t get to everything at the same time.  For the last
> months I’ve also been busy with paperwork and a new job.  But be sure
> the bug is not forgotten; it’s one of the things that will be fixed
> before distutils2 1.0 and Python 3.3.0.
>> I applied the diff file that was attached to the page to the current
>> Python-3.3.0a2, and it doesn't make a bit of difference on the
>> outcome...
> If you read the full bug report you’ll see that this patch was already
> applied and only fixes setup hooks; I said that I was working on a patch
> for commands hooks but I did not upload it as it was not finished.
>> I also added the path to sys.path, like this:
>> sys.path.append(os.getcwd()) and it doesn't make a difference!
> Probably because you did that in your code, but that makes no difference
> because it happens after pysetup is started and tries to import your
> module.  I don’t know if I’ll have time to fix this bug tomorrow, as
> I’ll have mentoring to do, so no promises here.
>> After the upcoming Distutils2 sprint, when will the work be patched
>> into Distutils2?  When will we see the benefit of all the work that
>> will be done???
> The changes from the sprint will go into the main repository
> immediately, and after a short while they will get ported into packaging
> in the cpython repository.  I want to release distutils2 1.0a5 soon
> after the sprint.
>> 1) http://dl.dropbox.com/u/47247655/create_setup_cfg.py
>> [...]
>> 1) Will create the setup.cfg file if one is not there...?
> As you’re using open('setup.cfg', 'w'), the file will be recreated each
> time you run the script.  I’m not sure you need that script; why not
> just create the config file once and keep it updated when you have changes?
> Regards
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