[Distutils] `pysetup create`, but `pysetup run install_dist` - wtf?

Alexis Métaireau alexis at notmyidea.org
Tue May 29 12:19:33 CEST 2012

Le mar. 29 mai 2012 07:55:51 CEST, anatoly techtonik a écrit :
> http://docs.python.org/dev/packaging/tutorial.html#running-commands
> What's the point in using 'pysetup run install_dist' instead of just
> 'pysetup install' ??

They are two different commands which aren't doing the same thing. One 
installs the distribution, without dealing with its dependencies (the 
install_dist command) while the other fetches and deals with the 

This probably should be stated more clearly in the tutorial, thanks for 
pointing this out.

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