[Distutils] Two questions on setup.py/distutils.py

Virgil Stokes vs at it.uu.se
Sun Sep 2 18:23:50 CEST 2012

I have only recently joined this list --- hopefully my first mail to this list 
is acceptable.

*First*, is it possible to place comments in the distutils.cfg file? If yes, 
then how?

*Second*, I have been unable to install yappi (included in the PyPI list) on my 
Windows 7 (64-bit) platform with Python 2.7 (32-bit) and would greatly 
appreciate help on this installation.

Note, I have installed many other PyPI packages on this same system with no 
problems where I have cygwin, minGW (32-bit) and minGW (64-bit) gcc and g++ 
compilers installed and working properly. I have installed yappi on my Windows 
Vista (32-bit) platform with Python 2.7 and there were no problems. I have also 
studied the information posted by Greg Ward at 

Here are some of the results of my attempts to install yappi on the Windows 7 

I looked at what compilers are available for building from my setup.py

c:\Software\Python\yappi\yappi-0.62>python setup.py build --help-compiler
      List of available compilers:
        --compiler=bcpp     Borland C++ Compiler
        --compiler=cygwin   Cygwin port of GNU C Compiler for Win32
        --compiler=emx      EMX port of GNU C Compiler for OS/2
        --compiler=mingw32  Mingw32 port of GNU C Compiler for Win32
        --compiler=msvc     Microsoft Visual C++
        --compiler=unix     standard UNIX-style compiler

I then tried the following:

c:\Software\Python\yappi\yappi-0.62>python setup.py build --compiler=cygwin
       running build
       running build_py
       running build_ext
       building '_yappi' extension
       gcc -mcygwin -mdll -O -Wall -IC:\Python27\include -IC:\Python27\PC -c  
_yappi.c -o build\temp.win32-2.7\Release\_yappi.o
       error: command 'gcc' failed: No such file or directory

I then tried to be more specific,

c:\Software\Python\yappi\yappi-0.62>python setup.py build
       running build
       running build_py
       running build_ext
       building '_yappi' extension
       error: don't don't know how to compile C/C++ code on platform 'nt' with 
'c:\cygwin\bin\gcc.exe' compiler

I also tried many other possible (at least IMHO) solutions --- these also
failed. For example,

c:\Software\Python\yappi\yappi-0.62>python setup.py build --compiler=msvc
       running build
       running build_py
       running build_ext
       building '_yappi' extension
       error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat

I then modified the c:\python27\Lib\distutils\distutils.cfg file and set
different compilers in it --- these also failed.

The bottom line --- all my trials (attempts) failed for one reason or another.

Any suggestions as to how to proceed? I will be glad to provide any additional
information on my trials.


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