[Distutils] Re-uploading packages

Richard Jones richard at python.org
Wed Apr 3 00:55:26 CEST 2013

We prevent people from uploading files to replace contents, but not
deleting and re-uploading. That would take additional tracking not built
into the system.


On 3 April 2013 07:12, Christian Theune <ct at gocept.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> when developing bandersnatch I saw some checksum errors for the md5sums of
> downloaded package files that I didn't understand.
> I just saw another one and just want to check back whether this is true: I
> can go to PyPI, delete a package version, and upload a different file later.
> True?
> This would explain that I can see a file that I downloaded successfully
> changing it's hash over time.
> Feels like a bad idea to me, but I guess this is part of the "PyPI doesn't
> have an oppinion" deal …
> Christian
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