[Distutils] Re-uploading packages

Maurits van Rees m.van.rees at zestsoftware.nl
Fri Apr 5 16:04:45 CEST 2013

Op 02-04-13 22:12, Christian Theune schreef:> Hi,
 > when developing bandersnatch I saw some checksum errors for the md5sums
 > of downloaded package files that I didn't understand.
 > I just saw another one and just want to check back whether this is true:
 > I can go to PyPI, delete a package version, and upload a different file
 > later.
 > True?

I have seen that happen too, a while ago.  I don't think I noticed it 
often.  I did notice it for one or more distribute releases, maybe one 
or two years ago.  I noticed because I am using collective.eggproxy, 
which is basically a pypi mirror that only gets a distribution from pypi 
when it is actually requested by a user:
So it is a partial mirror, saving bandwidth and disk space.

What happened was that buildout or easy_install was requesting 
distribute version X.  The mirror had that package locally, but its 
index.html file was updated with a new md5 sum from pypi.  The new md5 
sum did not match the md5 sum of the previously downloaded distribution.

So apparently the distribution got replaced on pypi.  I don't know why. 
  I compared the old and new version of the package.  I think they 
differed slightly in size, but unpacked they were exactly the same, so I 
did not mentioned it at the time.

So: yes, it can happen.

Of course, here I assume that this was not some manual action by one of 
my colleagues on the eggproxy and also not some freak error in 

Maurits van Rees: http://maurits.vanrees.org/
Zest Software: http://zestsoftware.nl

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