[Distutils] Help needed please

david bennett davidbennett at ozemail.com.au
Sat Apr 6 16:03:52 CEST 2013

AIM: i'm trying to use Drive API with Python 2.7.3 to read and write files.

PROBLEM: is with the install of "easy_install" (ironic, i know)

1. I have enabled the drive api
2. I can see that the google client library must be there because the files are in c:/program files/python/scripts

BUT when i type easy_install into cmd window it is not recognised

-i have tried running the file: easy_install-2.7.exe
-i have updated the directory path in my computer/properties/advanced/ to include C:/Program Files/Python/Scripts
- i have downloaded the PyWin32 installer (i am running XP) for Python 2.7

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4016151/how-to-use-pythons-easy-install-on-windows-its-not-so-easy?rq=1 mentions that "you should see that your winpexpect package has been installed correctly." winexpect. where is this located? how is this done?



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