[Distutils] outdated PyPI mirrors
Donald Stufft
donald at stufft.io
Thu Apr 11 14:56:00 CEST 2013
On Apr 11, 2013, at 8:54 AM, Christian Theune <ct at gocept.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> On 2013-04-11 12:44:54 +0000, Andreas Jung said:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> According to
>> http://www.pypi-mirrors.org/
>> 3 out of 8 PyPI mirror are out of date or not available.
>> This is not good for the PyPI reputation.
>> Of course mirror can have problems for a while but the
>> maintainers should feel in charge of maintaining
>> and checking their mirrors regularly.
>> I propose that an obvious unmaintained mirror should be removed
>> (temporarily) if it has not been updated after N days. Right now
>> N = 50 and N = 69 which is hardly acceptable.
> I started trying to track down the owners this morning. I managed to send email to 3 of them based on their I network contacts. Google responded that they don't want mail on that address (wonder whether that's ARIN conforming).
> The others I'm waiting for a reply and offered to help moving to bandersnatch. Lets wait how that turns out, maybe give it a few days now that there's a (seemingly) viable alternative to the existing setup.
> I'm also pondering getting a view more international VMs under my control and set up mirrors in more places. I'll look into that in case the other mirrors go away.
> Christian
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b.pypi.python.org is run by MvL I think, and it's on GAE so it needed a special script and doesn't use pep381client.
Donald Stufft
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