[Distutils] Free GSOC idea: Site Setup -> Users & Groups -> [ ] Disable logins

Alex Clark aclark at aclark.net
Fri Apr 19 13:36:25 CEST 2013

On IRC yesterday, Spanktar asked a question that comes up every so 
often (paraphrasing):

  "How do I disable logins while I do some maintenance on my Plone site?"

Various suggests were offered, including davisagli's (paraphrasing):

  "I usually disable all the PAS auth plugins in acl_users"

DING DING DING: LIGHT BULB MOMENT. I've seen this question asked enough 
times to think it might be nice if there were a checkbox in Site Setup 
-> Users & Groups to make it easy for end users to perform this action, 
if only someone were willing to do the work…

Alex Clark · http://about.me/alex.clark

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