[Distutils] distutils.util.get_platform() - Linux vs Windows

Chris Barker - NOAA Federal chris.barker at noaa.gov
Mon Aug 19 19:13:08 CEST 2013

On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 2:18 AM,  <samuel.ferencik at barclays.com> wrote:
> It seems distutils.util.get_platform() semantically differs on Windows and Linux.
> Windows: the return value is derived from the architecture of the *interpreter*, hence for 32-bit Python running on 64-bit Windows get_platform() = 'win32' (32-bit).
> Linux: the return value is derived from the architecture of the *OS*, hence for 32-bit Python running on 64-bit Linux get_platform() = 'linux-x86_64' (64-bit).
> Is this intentional?

This seems just plain wrong to me.

For the record, running a 32 bit Python on a 64 bit OS_X box:

In [5]: distutils.util.get_platform()
Out[5]: 'macosx-10.6-i386'

which is the answer I want.


> My context (where this hit me): I was trying to install the 32-bit version of the Perforce API (compiled module) on 64-bit Windows and on 64-bit Linux. My command-line was
>   python3.3-32 setup.py install --root FOO --install-platlib=lib.$PLAT
> (note the '-32' and the '$PLAT')
> On Windows, this installed the 32-bit version of the API into "FOO\lib.win32". On Linux, this installed the 64-bit version of the API into "FOO/lib.linux-x86_64". I'm not sure which is more correct behavior but the asymmetry seems suspicious.
> Sam
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Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
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