[Distutils] Multi-version import support for wheel files

Donald Stufft donald at stufft.io
Mon Aug 26 17:15:07 CEST 2013

On Aug 26, 2013, at 10:33 AM, PJ Eby <pje at telecommunity.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 5:20 AM, Paul Moore <p.f.moore at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 25 August 2013 23:14, PJ Eby <pje at telecommunity.com> wrote:
>>> Thus, you don't have to know you have multiple versions installed; it
>>> can trivially happen by way of dependencies you aren't paying
>>> attention to.  The more things you install, the more likely it is you
>>> have two versions hanging around.
>> OK, I see. But I'm not sure if we're agreeing or disagreeing over the
>> result. To me, this is a bad thing on the principle that there is a cost to
>> multiversion support (it's not part of core Python, so you have to do
>> *something* to make it work)
> Seriously?  The basic functionality of using sys.path to have multiple
> versions *is* part of core Python, and has been since 1.5.2 (16 years
> ago), and probably longer than that.
> In the days before easy_install and virtualenv, if you needed
> different versions of things, you used "setup.py install" to different
> directories (assuming distutils was involved, otherwise you just
> copied files) and either put your scripts in the same directories, or
> used PYTHONPATH or explicit sys.path manipulation.
> That is all easy_install does: add a naming convention for the
> directories, and automate the sys.path manipulation.
> Buildout does the same thing, it just writes the sys.path manipulation
> into the scripts statically, instead of using pkg_resources at
> runtime.
> So the notion of "cost" doesn't make any sense.  Tools like
> easy_install and buildout *reduce* the management cost, they don't add
> anything to core Python.
> (Now, if you're talking about the .pth files from easy_install, those
> are something that I added because people complained about having to
> use require(), and wanted to have a default version available in the
> interpreter.)
>> and so having people inadvertently pay that
>> cost to use a feature that they don't actually *need* is wrong.
> What cost are you talking about here?  Given that most people don't
> even know they *have* multiple versions installed or care, how is a
> cost being imposed upon them?  Are you talking about disk storage?
>> One other point, just as a matter of curiosity (because it's not relevant to
>> the current discussion): in your explanation above, there doesn't seem to be
>> any step that says the user normally uses CherryPy 3 (so that would be the
>> one they would get automatically at the interactive interpreter).
> If they easy_install that version, sure, that's what they'll get as a
> default version.
>> For me,
>> that's really the only use case I'd have for multi-versioning - 99% of the
>> time I use a particular version of a project, but I have one particular
>> application that can't work with the version I prefer.
> Yes, and that's the sort of scenario Nick was proposing pip support,
> that you have an explicit "install me a different version for my other
> app" capability -- such that that app's script wrapper adds its
> alternate version to sys.path ahead of the default one.  So it would
> have been opt-in and impose the "cost" of a slightly longer sys.path
> and increased disk space usage only on those who ask for it.
> (Honestly, 90% of this entire thread has sounded like complete FUD to
> me, i.e. fear based on a lack of understanding that there actually
> isn't anything magical about multi-version support.  As Jim has
> pointed out, buildout does multi-version support without even using
> pkg_resources.  And before all these tools existed, people just
> installed things in different directories and used either adjacent
> scripts, PYTHONPATH, or explicit sys.path manipulation.  There is
> nothing magical whatsoever about having multiple versions of a thing
> installed on your system; all the tools do is add naming conventions
> for where stuff is installed...  and having such naming conventions is
> a *good* thing, compared to the old days.)

There is always a cost. In this case mostly in complexity and start up time.

As you mentioned originally the cost to multi version support was the need
to use a require() function and when people complained about that you
added the .pth files which imposed another sort of cost to people using
multi versioned installs.

You claim it is part of core Python but it's really not, if it was it wouldn't require
importing pkg_resources of the .pth files to make it work.

I find it ridiculous that you'd call this thread 90% FUD when the vast bulk of the
thread has been trying to determine if there were any reasonable concerns
with the approach and upon examination determined that the biggest problem
with it was attaching it to Wheel and not the multi version support at all. I realize
setuptools and easy_install are your baby but the persecution complex doesn't
help to win people over to your side of things.

In my experience setuptools has a lot of good ideas but they are wrapped in bad
ideas or implementations that obscure the fact that there *are* good ideas there.
I do not believe it to be unreasonable for people to want to make sure that we're
standardizing around one of the *good* ideas instead of one of the bad ideas. 

Donald Stufft
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