[Distutils] Install a script to <prefix>/sbin instead of <prefix>/bin

Paul Moore p.f.moore at gmail.com
Tue Dec 3 09:56:26 CET 2013

On 3 December 2013 08:41, Michael Jansen <info at michael-jansen.biz> wrote:
> So another idea i am thinking about is doing it like this:
> scripts = [
> "bin/myscript3", # <= backwardscompatible
> ( 'bin/', [ 'bin/myscript1', 'bin/myscript2' ] ),
> ( 'sbin/', [ 'sbin/mysbinscript1', 'sbin/mysbinscript2' ] ),
> ( 'lib/myproject/libexec', [ 'libexec/script' ] )
> ]

The "scripts" argument is generally considered obsolete - tools like
pip will not generate executable wrappers for scripts specified like
this, which means that they will not work properly on Windows.

You should really be using (in this case, extending) the setuptools
"console_scripts" entry point.


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